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When the sun rises in all its glory – Verse 180

When the sun rises in all its glory
To brighten up the sky
That's when we'll remember
Saying our last goodbye.
When corn in the fields turns golden brown
And in the distance a horse is heard neighing
We'll turn an ear into the breeze
And hear every word your saying
On long summer walks
When we pause and rest a while
We'll turn our face skywards, close our eyes and see you smile.
And now you're in that place
Where one day we all hope to be,
Do me one small favour ...
Save a place for me

Be still, I know I am with you – Verse 181

Be still, I know I am with you,
Be still I am the Lord.
I will not leave you orphans.
I leave you with my world.
Be one.
You fear the light may be fading,
You fear to lose your way.
Be still, and know I am near you.
I'll lead you to the day and
the sun.
Be glad the day you
have sorrow,
Be glad, for then you live.
The stars shine only in darkness,And in your need I give
my peace.

Prayer of Solace – Verse 183

Prayer of Solace
May Christ support
us all the day long,
till the shadows lengthen,
and the evening comes,
and the busy world is hushed,
and the fever of life is over
and our work is done.
Then in His mercy may
He give us a safe lodging,
and holy rest and
peace at the last.

Child’s Prayer – Verse 184

Now I lay me down to sleep;
I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take.

A Place Where Children Are – Verse 185

What kind of place would heaven be with all its streets of gold,
if all the souls, that dwell up there like yours and mine, were old?
How strange would heaven’s music sound when harps begin to ring,
if children were not gathered ‘round to help the angels sing.
The children that God sends to us are only just a loan,
He knows we need their sunshine to make the house a home.
We need the inspiration of a baby’s blessed smile.
He doesn’t say they’ve come to stay, just lends them for a while.
Sometimes it takes them years to do the work for which they come.
Sometimes in just a month or two our Father calls them home.
I like to think some souls up there bear not one sinful scar.
I love to think of heaven as a place where children are.

The Blessing of St. Francis of Assisi – Verse 187

The Lord bless you
and keep you.
May He show His face
to you and have mercy.
May He turn His countenance
to you and give you peace.
The Lord bless you!

Guardian Angel – Verse 189

Guardian Angel from
heaven so bright,
watching beside me
to lead me aright,
fold thy wings round me,
and guard me with love,
softly sing songs to me
of heaven above.

Golfers Prayer – Verse 190

“Almighty God, as we play through our 18 holes of life, we pray that you will give us a drive that’s both long enough to reach our goals, and yet straight enough to keep us out of trouble.

“Help us avoid the traps and hazards of life; nevertheless, should we find ourselves in them, give us the tools, skills and desire to escape them with no penalty. May we always stay in bounds.”

“Help us to be willing to stand by - and not play through - those in genuine need. May we always play with honor.”

“And finally, when we’ve putted out on the 18th green, we pray that we will have demonstrated the integrity of our character, so that you will judge us worthy enough to join your threesome and play eternally on your heavenly course. Amen.”

The Golfers Prayer – Verse 191

Now I Lay Me Down
To Sleep I Pray The Lord
My Life To Keep
Though I Know You’ll
Eventually Take My Soul
Please Let Me Prepare
At The 19th Hole!

God Needed an Angel in Heaven – Verse 192

God needed an angel in heaven
to stand at the Savior’s feet;
His choice must be the rarest
a lily pure and sweet.
He gazed upon the mighty throng
then stopped and picked the best,
our child was His chosen one
with Jesus she’s[he’s] now at rest.

Walk Alone – Verse 194

Should you go first and I remain,
to walk the road alone,
I’ll live in memories garden, dear,
with happy days we’ve known.
In spring I’ll wait for roses red,
when faded, the lilacs blue.
In early fall when brown leaves fall,
I’ll catch a glimpse of you.
I’ll hear your voice, I’ll see your smile,
though blindly I may grope,
the memory of your helping hand
will buoy me on with hope.
Should you go first and I remain,
one thing I’ll have you do:
walk slowly down that long long path,
for soon I’ll follow you.
I want to know each step you take,
so I may take the same.
For someday down that lonely road,
you’ll hear me call your name.

Ten Commandments for Fishing – Verse 195

Thou shalt have no other sports before fishing.
Thou shalt proudly boast of thy catch.
Thou shalt exaggerate wildly about the one that got away.
Thou shalt no sleep past dawn.
Thou shalt clean thy own catch.
Thou shalt not give away the secret of thy success.
Thou shalt honor the ones too smart to be caught.
Thou shalt practice the sport as often as possible.
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s reel.
Thou shalt not reveal the source of thy catch.
Thou shalt give thanks to God, creator of all nature, for the catch of the day.