Help with verse selection

Verses selection

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It can be difficult at a time of loss to find the right words to express the emotions and feelings within our hearts. We have a selection of over 200 verses, in 9 meaningful categories, which will capture beautifully what you want to say in tribute or prayer or solace. Words are all we have, but the right words in a verse can complete your chosen memorial product in achieving a truly heartfelt expression.

Others were taken yes I know – Verse 162

Others were taken yes I know,
But you were mine I loved you so,
A prayer, a tear till the end of time,
For a loving husband I was proud to call mine.

Our hands reached across the sea – Verse 168

Our hands reached across the sea,
And through the moonlit skies,
We calmed the raging seas at last,
With our gentle sighs.
No more pain or misery ,
Our lives torn apart,
You brought me to your world with you,
To mend my broken heart.
You whispered in my ear to come,
I could not ignore your call,
I gave to you myself that night,
I gave to you my all.
Good bye to friends and Family ,
Do not mourn us now,
For we are free among the stars,
We take our final bow .
As gentle breeze and memory,
We caress all who touched our lives,
With God's prayer, love and tranquillity,
We look down with loving eyes.

May tender memories – Verse 171

May tender memories
Soften our grief,
May fond recollection
Bring us relief,
And may we find comfort
and peace in the thought
Of the joy that knowing
Our loved one brought,
For time and space
Can never divide,
Or keep our loved one
From our side
When memory paints
In colours true,
The happy hours
We spent with you.

Going home – Verse 176

Going home, going home,
I'm going home.
Quiet like some still day,
I'm just going home.
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door.
Work all done, care laid by,
Going to fear no more.
Mother's there expecting me,
Father's waiting too;
Lots of folk gathered there,
All the friends I knew.
Morning star lights the way;
Restless dreams all done;
Shadows gone, break of day,
Real life just begun.
There's no break, there's no end,
Just living on.
Wide awake with a smile'
Going on and on.
Going home, going home
I'm just going home.
It's not far, just close by
Through an open door
I'm just going home.

Your smile has gone forever – Verse 139

Your smile has gone forever,
 and your hand we cannot touch.
 We have so many memories,
 of you, Dad, we loved so much.

Mothers plant the seeds of love – Verse 125

Mothers plant the seeds of love that bloom forever.

His life earnest – Verse 137

His life earnest, his actions kind,
 a willing hand, an active mind.
 A loving brother and faithful friend.

An understanding heart – Verse 138

An understanding heart,
 an intelligent mind,
 we miss you Dad,
 You were one of a kind.

God’s Lent Child – Verse 112

I’ll lend you for a little while, a child of mine God said, for you to love him while he lives, and mourn for when he’s dead. It may be six or seven years, or forty-two or three, but will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me? He’ll bring his charms to gladden you and should his stay be brief,  you’ll always have his memories as a solace for your grief. I cannot promise he will stay since all from earth return, but there are lessons taught below I want this child to learn. I’ve looked this whole world over in my search for teachers true, and from the folks that crowd life’s lane. I have chosen you.


Now will you give him all your love nor think the labour vain, or hate me when I come to take this lent child back again? I fancied that I heard you say, dear Lord Thy will be done, for all the joys Thy child will bring, the risk of grief we’ll run. We’ll shelter him with tenderness, we’ll love him while we may, and for the happiness we’ve known, forever grateful stay. But should the Angels come for him much sooner than we’ve planned, we’ll have the bitter grief that comes and try to understand.

Acknowledgement Card 01 – Verse 095

The relatives of the late ....................................
desire to return their grateful thanks for your
kind expression of sympathy in their recent
great loss, and especially your kindness in
having Mass offered.

Acknowlegement Card 02 – Verse 096

The brothers and sisters of the late


wish to return their very sincere thanks for
your kind expression of sympathy in their
recent great sorrow.

Acknowledgement Card 03 – Verse 097

The wife/husband and Family of the late


thank you most sincerely for your kind expression of sympathy in their recent bereavement. The Holy sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions.